By Hairy_Potter - 23/01/2014 17:13 - Brazil - S?o Paulo

Today, I had to accept the fact that I'm going bald, after I noticed the hair on my chest is longer than the hair on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 505
You deserved it 3 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol his hair is going south for the winter.

As long as your shaft is functional it's all good. Cheer up


Time to start building the hat collection

Becoming bald isn't that bad. Just keep your hair very short and it could still look good. No comb-overs, please.

Atleast you got Johnny Sins in your club, look at how much women he gets!

You should go buy a bottle of shampoo and tell the clerk how you love that shampoo and what it does for your hair.

octinate 17

Meh. Least you aren't a female going bald!

MooseKnuckle5150 13

Well, you got past the first step, which was admitting it. Now embrace it and shave it off.

It's okay OP, my boyfriend is not even 20 yet and his hair is already starting to thin! It's not that big a deal :)

Try some of that Bosley stuff see if that works...

It happens to the best of us, don't let it get to you.On the bright side atleast you will have something to comb!