By Hairy_Potter - 23/01/2014 17:13 - Brazil - S?o Paulo

Today, I had to accept the fact that I'm going bald, after I noticed the hair on my chest is longer than the hair on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 512
You deserved it 3 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol his hair is going south for the winter.

As long as your shaft is functional it's all good. Cheer up


I hope you're "of age" to be balding. if you are then its not really an FML since most people bald. If you're in your 20s or 30s or something then yeah, FYL.

Pstraka6 20

Dude being bald is NOT a bad thing. I used to think is was funny when I was younger, but you wouldn't believe how how many women are receptive to a man with no hair on their head or a shave head! If thats the worst of your problems, you've got it damn good brother

colton_colton 50

Who cares. My Uncle went bald in his twenties and he doesn't look bad. The singer for Daughtry is hot and he's bald. Bald isn't bad.

JoeyJaws68 18

That's a pretty hairy situation you got there.

The beginning stages of turning into a wookie...

I haven't seen a bald wookie, though.

That's why he said the beginning stages lol OP, this is just the beginning...

Don't worry, OP. There are plenty of treatments against baldness. A friend of mine was going bald, too, and now he has a lot of hair and no signs of baldness. He had to take some medicine, I don't know for sure, and he told me there were no side effects. By the way, saudações brasileiras!

There's an easy solution for that. Shave your chest and superglue the fuzz to your scalp.

sammyjanette 17

Embrace it, and just shave it all off! Nothing looks worse than the things people do to try to hide it like comb overs or hair dyes.