By Hairy_Potter - 23/01/2014 17:13 - Brazil - S?o Paulo

Today, I had to accept the fact that I'm going bald, after I noticed the hair on my chest is longer than the hair on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 512
You deserved it 3 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol his hair is going south for the winter.

As long as your shaft is functional it's all good. Cheer up


Hair length has nothing to do with baldness. Amount of hare in an area does. I have a full head of hair, but my chest hair is still longer.

How many how hares do you have? I thought one was a burden already...

What does the length have to do with anything?

Bald guys are hot. (Oh, and don't get any kind of "hair replacement system". They always look so fake).

middlenamefrank 8

So....your hair is getting SHORTER?? Most men (ask me how I know) just lose their hair, whatever's left they can still grow as long as they want.

lailaxjan 11

Well, no hair will make you more aerodynamic for quidditch! You'll get that Snitch even faster now.

That is going to be some strange comb over