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By fleetingmemories - 29/11/2013 23:55 - United States - Falls Church

Today, I had to bail my husband out of jail. It turns out that in the Black Friday rush, he beat a guy up just so he could get his hands on the last of a heavily-discounted item. The item in question: a toaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 041
You deserved it 4 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did they give you a lower bail bond in light of the black friday spirit? (:


cheshirecat13242 32

Yeah--don't F with a man's capability to make toast..

The next best thing to sliced bread? Heated to a crisp sliced bread

JMichael 25

Put some butter and cinnamon on that shit and it makes toast soooo worth it

154rct 7

"All toasters, toast toast." --Mario

did they give you a lower bail bond in light of the black friday spirit? (:

No because the police thought he was too toasted.

90% off and they did accept the buy one get one free coupon. It couldn't get any better than that.

I'm sure it wasn't just ANY toaster. I mean, who would do that for a simple toaster? Must have been the Little Brave Toaster.

Comet_Candy 23

It must make some pretty godly toast.

tpm45 25

Bet it was a toaster oven. Cold War style baby.

It was probably a Toaster-Radio on sale for $5

That better have been the greatest toaster in the world for anyone to fight for it.

Maybe it's a 6 slice toaster! Can't go wrong with that.

Yeah, how many pieces of toast do you put into this toaster?

AGhost5445 25

The things we do for toasters huh

I can't believe people are so heavily manipulated by money. Sheeple.

It was a good post until you ruined it with "sheeple". Come on...

Or manipulated in general to do a seductive selfie while looking like they tried on mascara and eyeliner for the first time ever... Sheeple indeed!

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

51- You should really tell her to put ice on such a severe burn.

Link5794 18

Actually, ice can damage the burnt tissue even more. Cold water is better.

well, did the other guy punch your husband first or..? we need a little more detail

inkdeath87 18

We all need a cheap toaster, geez.

fishstick557 14