By Anonymous - 24/06/2015 03:16 - Canada - Ajax

Today, I had to call a parent and tell them that their special needs daughter is pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 173
You deserved it 2 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how special and how old is she? if she can't take care of herself then that's not a good thing.


Rarely an easy situation to handle! I hope her parents have the means to provide support regardless of the next steps and the gent involved located and appropriately made aware of the repercussions.

I'm sure they have a few coat hangers lying around.

That's awful. Hope you composed yourself well.

That's a new one...hope it all goes well...

I used to work with a special needs young woman (Down's I think), and by that I mean she worked in the same place as me, not that I took care of her. She was married (her husband was special needs too) and they were just about the cutest couple you ever saw! Getting married and having kids is a torture that should be available to everyone :)

That's great. Your co-worker sounds like an adult though. The OP had to inform the girl's parents. Parents are not usually informed about adult pregnancies.

False. Depending on where they live, their parent may be a legal guardian, or sign off on medications, and behavior support plans. Two of the women in my group home are their own guardian, but i still talk to their parents regularly, and they sign off on meds, and plans, and medical procedures.

I hope the girl in question was able to consent. I hope the conversation goes smoothly, and the parents don't shoot the messenger, and I hope she gets the care she needs.

I like your vision a lot better than what I suspect is the reality. Can I come live in your world?

From what I was told in health class (I may be wrong, idk), certain disabilities mean you can't legally consent.

What if her partner has a similar disability?

bad_boyfriend 10

There are people with mild cognitive disabilities who can still consent to sex. Do people really think all the people with cognitive disabilities don't **** for their entire life? They are still people

They're also easier to take advantage of. I don't the actual statistics, but that's why a lot of people are concerned. Given that, and the fact that she's still in school... Well, it leaves a lot of open questions. Of course she CAN give consent--and I hope that was the case--but we simply won't know until a thorough follow-up.

we don't know she's in school. OP could be a doctor.