By Anonymous - 01/10/2010 09:45 - Canada

Today, I had to cancel my wedding because my fiancé is so hungover from his bachelor party, he's throwing up all over the place, can't stand up straight and is calling me by the stripper's name he met yesterday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 250
You deserved it 5 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Why would you get that drunk the night before an important event? Even on a bachelor/hen party, you shouldn't drink so much you get that ill. Or have it before the night before if you must drink that much.

mintcar 9

Completely unacceptable. Seriously, there's nothing wrong with drinking in moderation. He took it way too far.


ejsan 0

that is how hangover should have ended

I'm sorry - but that is seriously funny. he is akeeper

wriptidez 0

nah dont marry him he had sex with a ***** stripper

Cnote231 0

I'd leave him because he went to a strip club. that's terrible. if he truly loved you he wouldn't need another woman to please him!

Sounds to me like he's still drunk. And an ass.

Who's bright idea was it to have the party so close to the Wedding?!

how u knw its the strippers name it can just b his imagenary friend