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By Jodie - 03/02/2012 12:48 - Australia

Today, I had to change my mobile number because I was getting abuse from a guy, so I sent my new number to all of the people on my contact list. Including him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 906
You deserved it 50 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You actually fail. Time to change your number again. Btw if he's abusing you why is he on your contact list?

mannysaucedo 4

Pull the old "The number you are trying to reach is no longer in service" text.


gurly98 13

Fail time to change your number again...

Find the "rejection hotline" number for where you are and send him that. Hopefully he will get the hint.

perdix 29

Face it -- you really like getting "abused" by this guy. You may pretend otherwise, but you can't stand the thought of this guy not being able to reach out and touch you.

justlikeme79 9

Hey, perdix. Normally I love your comments. But sometimes you go too far.

I'm sure I'm going to get thumbed down for this, but he kind of makes a good point. I've had friends "complain" about guys being "creepy/annoying", yet they feed the guy by texting back or answering.

Isnt that abused wife syndrome ? Or is that completly different?

Hey, abused woman jokes are NOT funny, period.

perdix 29

It's not a good thing, but can anyone refute the truth of my comment? If abused people reliably left their abusers, that behavior would stop.

40 completly agree. Just wondering if thats what perdix was refering to, it just sounds like it. Rawr.

41 for the most part. When a women gets a restraining order against a guy, and she wants to get back with him and talk to him and whatnot, and the police find out; they by law HAVE to throw him in jail. No matter if she called him and said "baby i wana get back together, come on over" and call the police riggt after. Police HAVE to slam the guy. The point of the restraining order is to keep them seperated so abuse wont happen. Period.

Perdix watch the milgram experiment, it explains the correlation between authority figures and not being able to simple leave them.

perdix 29

#43. No, I was not. I was pointing out that there are people who crave attention so much that they will take it even if it includes abuse. Not a joke, just a sad fact. #46. You just confirmed my point about mixed messages. The victim gets an RO, but then brings the abuser back into their lives. If victims would permanently and unequivocally cut off abusers, abusive behavior would be found to be unsuccessful and would stop.

But then you got to think about the stalkers... *shudders*

But yea i see your point now, but alas, i already thumbed down your original post, so i thumb up your latest :)

desireev 17

Silentbutfunny- When anyone gets a restraining order, if they seek out the defendant and contact the defendant even though they have a RO against them, the RO becomes void. When one signs the RO papers, it becomes a law to stay away from the defendant. And, technically, the plaintiff could be in trouble for contacting the defendant when they have a RO against the defendant. The defendant won't go to jail as long as they were abiding by the law and staying away from the plaintiff. Just thought I'd clear that up.

My moms a cop and shes been to calls where a guy signs a RO saying he has to stay away from the defendant, defendat contacts the guy "saying yea baby i miss you and want to be with you and the defendant calls the polic right after so they meet up at the same time at the house. Cops know everything that goes on but have no choice to haul the guy away. Idk if thats what you were saying or not saying or whatnot; but thats the law here in minnesota. Doesnt matter what the defendant does, the guy CANNOT go near her. Theres times were my mom gets genuinly pissed at some people because of that.

Plus minnesota is refered to as "a women state" because women are better off legally. And like arizona is "a man's state" My mom agrees women are treated so much better with legal issues

Travis95_fml 8

Here is an idea peridix shut the **** up.

But it's not always that a person can just leave the abuser, there is this guy who abuses his girl so much, cheats on her, beats her up and all, but still she stays regardless of her fam telling her to go.. Why does she stay, u ask? Cause he threatens to take their son away from her, which he can.. Their relationship is better now, since he has recently stopped drinking, but that's an example of how hard it can sometimes be to just leave.

TheDrifter 23

I had a roommate just like you described Perdix. She changed her number six times in a year because her ex was "abusive" and yet she ran up $400 a month phone bills answering his obsessive calls and even texted him her new address when she moved, even though she had a RO against him for stalking.

Im starting to feel like someones out JUST to thumb me down This comment will probably make him/multiply...

64, I'm a lawyer. 41 is essentially right. It happens all the time. Some women use the RO intentionally in that manner.

114, im just curious, is anything i said rigjt? Or did my moma lie?

Actually the situation becomes more dangerous when you leave the abuser because they are no longer in control and they snap. If you ever been in that situation you'd know that. Plus look at the women who disappear after leaving their abusive partners

JukeboxValkyrie 19

Perhaps we should THINK before we act next time?

heyyy464 1

You could tell the police and track his number down if it's really that awful. Otherwise just block him.

Yeah, I'm sure they'll get right on that.

Wow, that was a pretty big mess up. Defeats the purpose of the whole thing.

Get a smart phone. You can actually block him without changing number. Saves money and time