By gimpy - 04/01/2012 16:55 - United States

Today, I had to cut short my New Year's resolution of going to the gym daily, when the meathead next to me dropped some heavy weights, which bounced and landed on my foot. I'm sitting at home in a cast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 851
You deserved it 2 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus **** people, it was an accident. Bad stuff happens all the time, but the reason the legal system in the US is so ****** up is frivolous lawsuits like this.


ThatLooksSticky 16

Damn, that's a good excuse to avoid working out! I gotta try that, too. ;)

What a dumbbell! Damn, that's heavy though. It's enough to make your hair curl. I wouldn't press your luck, so definitely weight until your foot heals. Don't do squat or even lift a finger. Just go grab some lunge and forget about it. It'll all work out in the end.

every1luvsboners 11

If I could fornicate with a comment it would be this one. *fapfapfapfap*

flockz 19

there goes doc, always raising the barbell. when you make puns, i feel like i have to make extensions. no matter how many times your puns pushdown on me, i have to sit-up, relats, and flexors my imagination. what can i say? when compared to you, i'm oblique. but you always seem to put me in a crunch with your puns.

Weight till ur foot heals? Are u serious? Its wait. ( gramgramgrammar naziiiii! Lol)

Dude, the intentionally use of "weight" over "wait" is part of a joke. New Years resolution for you - get some humor. You seriously think Doc doesn't know the difference??

EmreArslan - try to...just read the...when you should... Oh **** it.

A grammar nazi who can't spell for shit and corrects unnecessarily...Are you by any chance the Microsoft paperclip?

xSonic 9

Pun pun pun pun! *changes underwear*

46 it's not even grammar. It's the misuse of a homophone which is a separate part of linguistics.

Then work on your upper body. If that didn't occur to you the you were looking for an excuse to quit anyway. YDI for giving up and sitting at home masturbating five times a day.

He was probably jealulous of your soon to be abs :P

Since you have a cast on now, you can totally go shin to his head. Works wonders.

Ouch! I really hope you got his info, at least. I hope your foot gets better.

Kerryann122 3

Get rid of those Oprah wings and lift weights at home!