New year's resolution gone wrong

By Anonymous - 05/01/2025 22:00 - United States - Austin

Today, I went to the gym for the first time in months. Feeling pumped, I grabbed what I thought was a light dumbbell. It wasn’t. I dropped it on my toe and screamed so loud that the gym bros around me stopped mid-workout to stare at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 146
You deserved it 340

Same thing different taste

First impressions

By Anonymous - 01/12/2024 15:00 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I joined a gym. I’m overweight and not very athletic, so I was nervous. I looked around and tried a treadmill. I start walking at a chill pace, then got ambitious and cranked it to a "light jog." Within seconds, I tripped, fell, and sent the emergency stop button flying across the room. The gym staff ran over and I swear someone said, “Well, at least he’s trying.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 115

Top comments

I don’t understand all of these “You Deserved It” points. It doesn’t sound like you were trying to impress anyone, or goofing off in general. I hope your toe feels better soon, OP

Let's hope the gym bros did more than staring and actually helped you get this dumb dumbbell off your foot.


I don’t understand all of these “You Deserved It” points. It doesn’t sound like you were trying to impress anyone, or goofing off in general. I hope your toe feels better soon, OP

Let's hope the gym bros did more than staring and actually helped you get this dumb dumbbell off your foot.