By gimpy - 04/01/2012 16:55 - United States

Today, I had to cut short my New Year's resolution of going to the gym daily, when the meathead next to me dropped some heavy weights, which bounced and landed on my foot. I'm sitting at home in a cast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 852
You deserved it 2 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus **** people, it was an accident. Bad stuff happens all the time, but the reason the legal system in the US is so ****** up is frivolous lawsuits like this.


Kudos for trying tho mate, I found the hardest part was there first couple of weeks. And can always keep doing upper body while your foot heals :P

KiddNYC1O 20

You were tea bagging the guy while he was pressing, right?

Track1991 0

Most meatheads don't have much brain, so that doesn't surprise me that you ended up with a broken bone. But as soon as you heal, keep up on working out.

I f&&king hate when they do that ! they think they are so cool! You need to sue him for us!

skittlesmeep 4

You can still work your arms and abs until your leg heals.

If you are truly determined to get in shape, you can still do some stuff that doesn't require either a gym or your leg, search the web I am sure you can find more information on eating right and what to do to get through an injury when starting a new exercise program

I think you go to the same gym as the hodgetwins or twinmuscleworkout (two black guys that have a YouTube channel about weightlifting) cause they made a video and talked about how they saw this same situation play out infront of them. Small world lol. Sorry about your foot : /

akumanoz 1

Im gonna go ahead and say YDI, if someone was lifting heavy weights, why the hell would you be walking that close to them? If they were performing any major lifts that involve or even require dropping, you should've had the common sense to not be so damn close. Unless the guy threw the weight at you, it was an accident and not all the blame is on the "meathead"

iLIKEbananas3 0