By megs2129 - 16/09/2009 21:28 - United States

Today, I had to drink the most vile and disgusting medicinal treatments I could ever imagine. Then I had to drink it again when I threw up the first batch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 621
You deserved it 4 658

megs2129 tells us more.

megs2129 0

It was an expreimental treatment for Endometriosis. And it wasn't only the taste that was bad, it was how it made me feel. There were multiple portions of it, and some sizzled as they went down and stuff like that. The one that made me throw up made me feel like time stopped. I can't explain it, but it was like nothing was right. And it tasted horrible

Top comments

Aww, this totally isn't a YDI! I know how you feel. I was in the hospital once and they gave me this awful stuff that they tried to sweeten with orange flavor. I threw it up after fifteen minutes of trying to chug it down. When you're sick and you have to force down something so bad that it'll come up again and make you feel worse, it sucks. FYL.

greatnt249 0

Wasn't a GI cocktail or activated charcoal, was it?


IrDan 0

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Alex_Almiighty 0

#1 = noob. this is definitley not a YDI, but FYL for drinking gross medicine.. but hey, atleast it's a cure eh? (sorry didnt mean to reply to the 1st comment)

i think its a ydi for not growing up and getting over it enough to not post it on fml

the OP did get over it, and consumed the entire thing, but threw it up. I don't think it's her fault for throwing up - I haven't heard of people being able to prevent themselves from doing that.

I've been throwing up all week, OP. I feel you pain. :(

the_stereotype 0

might i suggest a tablet form? they almost always have one. personally, i prefer liquid even if i do throw it up (because if you're immediately throwing up, it means it didn't get all the way down and you just gagged.) which i might add has happened plenty of times, but i can't swallow tablets, so i have to chew them (which tastes absolutely disgusting). yeah...medicine don't quite agree with my body. and yeah, OP, i feel for you, i'm sick too and it kind of sucks. just out of curiosity, how many other people on here are sick? it seems like everyone is getting sick.

protip: hold your nose closed with your fingers and you wont be able to taste

taste != smell. taste is what you do with your tongue, smell is what you do with your nose. I imagine the OP might have felt the flavour after swallowing it for a while, which made her throw up...

They're both chemo-receptors. And you do lose a lot of the ability to taste if you can't smell.

#37 You could bring IVs home? I would have saved so much time if I knew that :( Also, I absolutely can't stand drinking any kind of medicine, I'll take an IV that I have to hook up myself any day of the week.

cerebellum_fml 0

this reminds me when peter, brian, and stewie, drink ipicac to eat pie.

@76: Taste is 90% smell. If you hold your nose, an apple, onion, and potato taste the same. So you, my friend, are a dick.

happyvalleygirl 0

it's probably for a colonoscopy or something, in which case you have to drink a gallon of a disgusting powder mix. You're supposed to drink 8 oz every 10 minutes. This FML is probably not just a dumb complaint.

at leat she didnt have to drink the medicine she threw up :D

mattmalin11 0

I suppose you mean Tamiflu? Same thing happened to me when i got the swine.

Not always 43. I had to do a barium swallow, and you HAVE to drink it. It is nasty and both liquid and semi-solid at the same time and its very easy to puke on so I'm wondering if that isn't what OP had done

MistrSteezy 0
FlippyFloppies 0
your_mother 0

well at least you saw why you had to take it...

iwrotehaikus 0
greatnt249 0

Wasn't a GI cocktail or activated charcoal, was it?

Ugh that crap I had to drink for a colonoscopy was was charcoal.

Charcoal is the nastiest thing I've ever, ever had to take. D:

Charcoal is bad but barium for a study on how well you swallow and digest is much, much worse

bobby222 0

YDI for drinking diarrhea out of a buffalo's anus.

Bryan13_fml 0

who moderated this cuz it sucks and if you puked they wouldnt make you take it again

greatnt249 0

"who moderated this cuz it sucks and if you puked they wouldnt make you take it again" Wrong.

You're not exactly a bright one, are you? "Gee, doc... this here chemo makes me sick! Can't I just keep the cancer?" "Sure, kiddo!" I don't think that happens to often, eh?

How was that selfish? The mother kidnapped her son because he did not want the chemo. He may not have been of legal age, but he was old enough to know the consequences and decide that he would rather not have the treatment. She did what her son wanted.

greatnt249 0

He was a child; he can't make those kinds of decisions until he's an adult. And it was what his mom wanted; of course the kid isn't going to want to take meds that will make him sick.

Bullshit #10. If you are doing testing for digestive issues, the stuff is almost always disgusting and you have to drink more if you puke

Aww, this totally isn't a YDI! I know how you feel. I was in the hospital once and they gave me this awful stuff that they tried to sweeten with orange flavor. I threw it up after fifteen minutes of trying to chug it down. When you're sick and you have to force down something so bad that it'll come up again and make you feel worse, it sucks. FYL.