By 1378 - 12/03/2010 08:26 - Australia

Today, I had to explain to my sister why it's unhygienic, socially unacceptable and downright inappropriate to apply Thrush ointment in the lounge room. I realised I wasn't getting through to her when she called me ''Uptight,'' ''Victorian" and ''Prudish'' to name a few. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 252
You deserved it 2 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tereshay 0

it's inappropriate to " have your boob out " in public or around family members. it's disgusting


heyitsmeyay 0

ummmm speak american please

ummmmm learn to read other englishes. America isn't the only county in the world.

I can't believe the people saying how okay it is to randomly see intimate parts of relative's bodies. I personally would not want to see a siblings regions, [breast or genitals], I don't care if we're family or not. The only people I ever plan on seeing in teh newdz is my significant other, and my children in their pre-puberty days. Modesty...[becomes a fan]

OP: hmm she must be the fun one in your family. or a hooker. either way, be glad you're not that mess.

imababeee 0

WTF how can ppl not know what thrush ointment is ? it goes on sore vaaaginas

"Victorian" and the OP lives in Victoria.

thrush isn't an STD it's a fungal infection that occurs when the good bacteria have been whiped out of the ******!

A "Victorian" is a posh person, it has nothing to do with where a person lives. In Australia, thrush is vaginal. You're all dumb.

Ooooor thrush ointment is used to treat yeast infections of the mouth which can be caused by something nasty But can also be caused by something not nasty , give her a break! What's a lounge room? Is everyone on here from England or something? I've noticed a slight language barrier. No offense just wondering.

amiewithaj 13

Thrush is a white substance that builds up on a breast feeding moms breasts and in the baby's mouth. It's extremely painful so they give you an antibiotic cream to relieve it