By kylie18xx21 - 01/02/2013 15:26 - United States

Today, I had to leave my ACT prep class ten minutes in to pick up my drunken father from his best friend's baby shower. I picked him up along with a bill for the damage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 466
You deserved it 2 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope for you that you aren't living in a situation where it will be you paying for those damages OP. FYL


I feel bad for you. I know what it's like to have messed up parental figures. F your life.

You are enabling a person and allowing him to be an irresponsible alcoholic. Never, ever sacrifice something like this to bail his but out of trouble again. And get your butt to AlAnon (this is really important) to learn why you do this and what to do instead. Oh, and hand his butt the bill handed to you.

FelKysier 7

I actually made an account on this website solely to comment regarding sirtim301's. Pretentious people like you make me physically sick. First, it's not like she posted his facebook page on here or something and declared "get him!". Second, since he got wasted at a baby shower, it's easy to assume he has had a drinking problem a long while, probably while raising her, so don't ******* instantly attack her. You have no ******* idea how horrible it is being raised by an alcoholic parent, especially considering even trying to talk about it usually gets them attacked by assholes like you. In summary, go suck a dick you stuck up narrow minded prick.

Satoaoi 13

oh damn that's a good one number 1 lol

11 - Well, they often are. It's just that usually the drinking has more to do with the conception than the shower. I think OP's dad just got it confused. Although maybe he was jealous he wasn't there for the conception & was trying to make up for it.

That was a really nice thing to do, but to be frank; tou really didn't have to do that. If this sort of thing happens several times, you don't need him.

That's why men shouldn't go to baby showers.

I feel your pain. My father is an alcoholic, too. FYL and FML, OP.

VampTat 10

There was a FLM post a few pages a head where someone mentioned that their husband punched her pregnent friend's husband in a drunken rage... Same incident perhaps?