By Master Debater - 01/02/2013 11:05 - Australia

Today, my grandmother walked in on me watching porn on my computer. She looked at the woman on the screen and said, "I used to have tits like that, but look what having 7 kids did to them." Now I'm scarred for life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 059
You deserved it 40 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Troll grandma strikes again. Have fun seeing her face on every naked girls face you ever see.

Shrouds 14

Do your **** hang low, do they wobble to and fro.


Troll grandma strikes again. Have fun seeing her face on every naked girls face you ever see.

...and her withered sagging breasts too!!

I know right?! You better get a girlfriend OP, 'cause **** = ruined forever.

There's always the option to forget it like it never happened, but I guess that's just me. It's not like OP's grandma showed him her ****.

80-good luck unimagining something as disgusting as that.

None of you have ever heard of repressed memories?

Yeah we are! Well, some of us are. Then there's old people like my Uncle John. He was born in 1907 and still has never driven a car. He thinks if he starts driving now he would forget how to walk. True story, but has nothing to to with this FML. Uncle John isn't the only old guy with mental problems, is he? Sorry.

You sound like a nice man Billy. Hope you feel better soon.

fleeper 13

Billy, I read your bio and I got kind of emotional... Get well soon!

I agree Billy that bio was tough to read. For you to be in good spirits about your condition is an inspiration. Just shows myself and everybody else that whatever your going through it's not that bad. Your positive attitude is infectious.

Shrouds 14

Do your **** hang low, do they wobble to and fro.

missyj0 12

can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow?

Can you throw them over your shoulder, Like a continental soldier, Do your **** hang low!

hawright 13

Ha ha, 33, your pic fits perfectly with the FML.

#3 do they shine in the light, do they go over your shoulder....

how the **** is debating even relevant? I know you are trying to use a common pun, but the pun doesnt even work here...

#17, I take it you're not a master debater either?

That was the point, 68. Holy shit, when did FMLers get so dense?

Hey at least she didn't freak out. Like all good grandparents do, they talk about their history

My thoughts exactly! I think her reaction was awesome. She did not try to embarrass you, next time just lock your door or wait until nobody is home.

Granny: "you know how much a box of condoms cost back in the day?" OP: "no, how much?" Granny: "I dunno, we never used them."

My grandma turns 105 this year and she would have sat down and watched it with you. Still spry as an eighty-year-old is my Grandma Jo.

RedPillSucks 31

Not helping. I can imagine her masturbating with OP and moaning at the appropriate times. Time to become a celibate priest.

Who said anything about masturbating, believe it or not, some people watch it just like any other show and make comments about what they do in the movie

RedPillSucks 31

@57 OPs name is Master Debater

Then he might've been debating whether to ********** or not before his grandmother walked in.

Owned by Granny. But you could've debated about the accuracy of her claim, since you're the "master debater." huehahahueha

Where the hell was I even going with that comment? Meh.

Javee 17

"HUE haha"? You have a colourful laugh.

I was going off of that viral picture of that little Sims boy with the sunken head that's captioned HUEHAHAHUEHAHA

SmittyJA24 26

If you haven't seen "Granny" in your **** before... you will NOW!!