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We need Legal Eagle on this one

By Anonymous - 05/09/2023 20:00

Today, my girlfriend of 4 months confessed that she purposely lied and told me she was on the pill when she wasn't so she could get pregnant (she now is). All websites call tampering with birth control reproductive coercion and abuse, but ONLY when a man does it to a woman. When she does it to me, it's a romance book plotline. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 152
You deserved it 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This constitutes rape in Canada. You didn't consent to sex without birth control. Your consent was conditional on her being on the pill. Although even if she is convicted you would probably end up paying child support.

No, there's a term for when a woman traps a man by getting pregnant on purpose. I'd look it up, but I don't go to Urban Dictionary anymore since I learned about the Alabama Hot Pocket. I still have PTSD from that!


Jaellynthecursed 9
Nikki 17

This is the first time I’ve seen multiple people victim blame the man for something! Still absolutely not okay but it’s a weird turn of events

ODBeefalo 10

Nah, condoms are a 100% must have if you don't want kids. nothing is 100% guaranteed but op should have put not wanting kids above, not want to use condoms. The GF is massively in the wrong and should face punishment, but this is sex ed class level knowledge. bring an umbrella if you plan to go out in the rain.

alw123 3

You’re still responsible for your actions & the pill is not 100% effective in any case. If you didn’t want an unexpected pregnancy you should have worn a condom. Contraception is not solely the responsibility of the female partner. YDI.

Nikki 17

Nope this is baby trapping and in many countries it’s not legal. Yeah the pill isn’t 100% affective but it’s a hell of a lot less when she’s not even taking it! If you have proof of this like messages from her you might be able to get out of child support

This constitutes rape in Canada. You didn't consent to sex without birth control. Your consent was conditional on her being on the pill. Although even if she is convicted you would probably end up paying child support.

No, there's a term for when a woman traps a man by getting pregnant on purpose. I'd look it up, but I don't go to Urban Dictionary anymore since I learned about the Alabama Hot Pocket. I still have PTSD from that!

That's reproductive abuse. Doesn't matter if you're a man or woman, lying and baby trapping is abuse. You absolutely need to leave. I don't know if there's much you can do to legally protect yourself, but you need to at least get out of that relationship before it gets worse.