By messyfamily - 19/09/2010 07:31 - Australia

Today, I had to listen to my mother flirting on the phone with my dad's new girlfriend's ex-husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 729
You deserved it 2 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xquisite1 28

wow, what a screwed up family that you belong to


PrincessGrilie 0 about dysfunctional family. you might want to get into therapy now.

That took me a few reads to understand lol.

Igor_g5 0

So how is that FYL? how did she force you to listen?

ctlnaaia71 8

good for her!!! I hope she screws him too.

sweetTnt_fml 0

this has nothing to do with Australians stfu I'm sure there are more than enough cases out there

hellokittywhore 0

Kinda like what's going on with me right now, my most recent ex boyfriend is my current boyfriends best friend. and my boyfriend is my ex girlfriends newest ex boyfriend. If that makes ANY sense. Yeah I'm really confused by it all too.

So basically you went out with two guys and a girl, and now they're all dating each other while you're single. Right. Got it o-o

took me a couple times to understand this lol

OP, is your mom a character in Desperate Housewives, by any chance?