By Anonymous - 02/11/2010 06:06 - United States
Dee628 tells us more.
I had to move back in until I can move into my building for school on the east coast. I've tried cleaning with bathroom cleaner and bleach, but the smell keeps coming back. Neither of them will admit to it and I never pee in the shower, EW. =P Obviously not all men are slobs, I just wish I didn't live with two of them. I lived with one of my guy friend's last year and had the same problem. I was the only one that actually cleaned. ~_~ (I'm the OP, I never thought I'd make it onto FML, so I was surprised to see this! lol)
Top comments
That's not fair, darling! Not all of us are unhygienic slobs!
You need more lemon pledge
lol^ love the family guy reference
True that, there are many unhygienic men AND women out there. I think why the OP was generalizing like that is because it's more common to find men practicing bad hygiene, than women. Just saying =)
well... in her defense, most men cannot control their fire-hoses! :)
I'm pretty sure they can hold it in or just get out of the shower THEN go >.< it's not hygiene or control that is pure laziness lol
10 - win
I peed in the shower this morning. not because I'm lazy, I did it cause that bitch shower had it comin. 1. snob shower always has to have its head higher than mine. 2. showers think that if you're not white you must be dirty. 3. plus my showers less than 18 years old and I'm an R. Kelly fan. haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love I don't really want none of the above I wanna piss on you
17 really sounds like *he/she/it* has done *his/her/its* research... (if you know what I mean)
17 is a woman.
45: or so you claim...
Agreed with this. Not all men are like that! D:
#34 is awesome
#34 Win And I'd rather pee in the shower because there's all that running water... oh my god all that water... And if I get out I might slip on the floor, and I'd get it all wet. Then I'd have to clean that up and the toilet lid would get wet... such a hassle IMO.
Clean the whole bathroom with bleach :) Vinegar works just as amazing but it sadly doesnt come in scents like Fresh Linen and Wildflower lol
Scouring with baking soda will help if it's a tiled shower, too.
Clean my pee!
fresh linen... is a scent?
I hate the smell of all those fresh linen & cotton air fresheners & candles. I love the smell of lemon scented cleaners
don't worry, lesbians are varely frowned upon these days
today, my sister moved in with us. she constantly bitches at us for the smell and leaving the toilet seat up. she refuses to cook, I hate living with women. fml.
that is because your house hold is too lazy to teach some responsibility.
Clean it?
o come on your saying you never peed in a sink befor?

That's not fair, darling! Not all of us are unhygienic slobs!
Clean the whole bathroom with bleach :) Vinegar works just as amazing but it sadly doesnt come in scents like Fresh Linen and Wildflower lol