By penguinsfan - 16/05/2009 14:47 - Canada

Today, I had to pee badly. I went into a stall and sat down. Only until after I'd peed, I realized that I didn't have any toilet paper. I waddled to the next stall with my pants down to get more toilet paper, believing that the bathroom was empty. It wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 131
You deserved it 53 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMAO. the mental image of this is just too much..

designedlikedice 0

You couldn't hear people who were in there?


cheese1756 0

At least you walked into the right bathroom. . . I hope.

ekoorb97 0

ive had that happen to me, it's definitely a panic situation!

shannonwaslyk3 0
kisses_fml 0

LMFAO! THAT HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE TIME. but when it happens to me... theres never anyone in the bathroom, hahahahaha.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! oh god thats just.. i just put myself in that other person's shoes.. and just.. laughhhhh

I don't think YDI, I actually had that happen once before and now I freak out and always check. Of course instead of walk out, cause people were in there, I texted my friend to go in the stall next to me and discretely pass paper lol. Once I had to go so bad and the bathroom had just been remodeled and there was no TP anywhere so I used seat covers aha.

next time: WHILE you're in the stall, knock on the side walls and ask for some toilet paper. like they do in movies!!!! always glad to help;) jk

Kitty34_fml 0

Shake your body over the toilet seat and pull up your pants. Yeah, it's gross and your underwear will get a few drops of pee on it - but why the hell would you walk out of the stall with your pants and underwear down? What if someone walked in? Wtf

The waddle I could get over. First things first: WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU SIT DOWN ON A PUBLIC TOILET?!?! Have you gone mad?!?! Secondly, you should have yelled first to see if someone was in there. It may be a "country" thing to do, but hey, save yourself. Also, you could have done a quick peep out of the stall first!! Jeez Loueez!