By penguinsfan - 16/05/2009 14:47 - Canada

Today, I had to pee badly. I went into a stall and sat down. Only until after I'd peed, I realized that I didn't have any toilet paper. I waddled to the next stall with my pants down to get more toilet paper, believing that the bathroom was empty. It wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 130
You deserved it 53 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMAO. the mental image of this is just too much..

designedlikedice 0

You couldn't hear people who were in there?


hhaa this was an eye opener! i had no idea guys didnt know girls wipe after peeing.

3timesthefun 0

i put toilet paper on the seat before i pee.. just to prevent the spread of germs from peoples asses (:

Aera_fml 0

Learn to think, read, spell, and use proper grammar, #60.

lol being a guy, no i didnt know girls wipe after peeing, but its not rly somthing guys go around thinking about... though now that i know, it does make sense... either way, i would never pull a #16 ...

id0nTgiv3af___ 0

It's a new trend. Get them to try it.

#84.. wrong fml? OP: just dont wipe and then clean up later. :)

*sigh* Yes, always wipe after you pee. Otherwise you're in danger of UTIs. But once in a blue moon, when there's no paper? Deal with it.

You were in the girls' bathroom, right? So why is this an FML? It's embarrassing, sure, but come on. Girls have seen you naked, you've seen girls naked, and that other girl in the stall has as well.