By penguinsfan - 16/05/2009 14:47 - Canada

Today, I had to pee badly. I went into a stall and sat down. Only until after I'd peed, I realized that I didn't have any toilet paper. I waddled to the next stall with my pants down to get more toilet paper, believing that the bathroom was empty. It wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 130
You deserved it 53 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMAO. the mental image of this is just too much..

designedlikedice 0

You couldn't hear people who were in there?


HannahPaloozah 0

that's horrible. I would've pulled my pants up and then went into nxt stall

This is exactly why I always carry tissues in my bag. But I also check whether there's any toilet paper in a stall before I commit myself to using it.

you people are crazy...nobody should ever wipe after just peeing...this is ridiculous...dont wipe ever unless its number 2.

#16 and #43.. you are the two most disgusting and uninformed people on the face of the planet. and listen to #44. it isn't that hard to ask.

itsmygoodlife 4

lol I'm trying to imagine the other persons reaction. you must've shocked the shit outta them

This is why I keep tissues in my handbag.

RrubiksCuber 6

Ya, using your hand to wipe pretty much the only COMPLETELY STERILE body fluid you have is disgusting, I agree... Oh wait no I don't.

Why the hell would you wipe after peeing? Even if you're a woman?

I only read the comments so I could see little kids say " why do you need toilet paper you just went pee?" But apparently no one said that .