By esbemebe1113 - 27/03/2013 21:12 - United States - Cartersville
esbemebe1113 tells us more.
Hi, this is OP. I loved all of your comments and read every single one. I couldn't believe this got on the site! Thanks to number #22: I loved you're comment and made me feel loads better. I love that everyone was so understanding. What's strange is that although I am a painfully awkward, I usually just get really red when I have to talk to the class. Thankfully I have a lot of good friends in real life to comfort me. (and a few new internet ones!) Thanks for finding my life entertaining!
Top comments
you're* (: True, public speaking does prove difficult in a more technologically introverted society.
All though this isn't as bad as the FML where the new lawyer says "the prostitution rests", it is still pretty embarassing. I feel your pain, OP, considering my public speaking skills are about as good as a tree's.
I HATE public speaking. I shake, sweat, feel a lump in my throat and am always on the verge of tears. It's the worst feeling ever. I'd much rather laugh hysterically than get what I do, but still. I feel you, OP.
Well, now you can think about becoming a psychology major in college and do a presentation about why presentations are awkward and be able to draw from personal experience.
I know what you mean, I hate standing in front of my class
I know what you guys mean I hate standing in front of my class too. You feel like everyone is just staring even if they are not. I get really red then everyone is really staring.
At least you didn't stutter and shake uncontrollably , that's very common
4- Dammit, your picture tricked me!
11 - What the **** is his picture even of?
29, two ears side by side and also, lolFMLnot is a girl.
30 - Oh. My bad, didn't see her title. Thank you for telling me though.
You know what else is very common? Random boners
Especially while looking at your profile picture.
Ill end up doing that in two weeks.
What grade did you get?
Think of the positive! you managed to make a whole class of people laugh. Some people struggle with that skill.
It's okay, it happens to most people. I, for one, stutter, laugh and leave out words to the extent that my speech no longer makes sense...
At least you're not in the habit of pissing yourself!
I know how you feel OP, I struggle with public speaking too...

Awe it's ok public speaking is hard for many people and trust me your not alone.
Well, now you can think about becoming a psychology major in college and do a presentation about why presentations are awkward and be able to draw from personal experience.