By Anonymous - 18/02/2013 07:44 - Canada - Montreal

Today, I had to spend a few hours in a hospital with a toddler and a preschooler projecting vomit all over, because my husband thinks "expiration dates are for pussies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 304
You deserved it 4 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did OP end up with theses kids? Expired condoms?

I am assuming these are your children... so why the hell would you let their FATHER dictate a "policy" that could potentially poison them? You need to assert yourself more, especially on matters of safety, for your children's sake if not your own.


Neongreenme 8

you need to find your inner Asshole! Tell your husband he is a Dumbass. Throw the expired crap away and move on.

RedPillSucks 31

Tell your husband "Avoiding cleaning up after puking and diarrheal kids is for *******" as you force him to clean up and disinfect the puke and fecal ejecta of your kids.

Why don't you just make him eat some of that stuff. Maybe he'll change his opinion.

10showgirl 16

Your husband is stupid. Put eye drops in his food.

Yep use common sense If it smells like stink it probably shouldn't be eaten The dates on the package are usually best before, and even when they are listed as expiry they're usually set too early in order to promote sales And again things that are rancid and moldy smell rancid and moldy

As a mother myself this makes me very upset for your poor children. That is child abuse. Would he have eaten the out of date food him self OP?

RedPillSucks 31

He probably would have and it probably wouldn't have made him sick. His mistake is not understanding that kids react differently to rancid food than adults do. Their bodies haven't developed the digestive tolerance. The same stuff happens to people in the US who eat food/drink water overseas where the level of cleanliness is not the same.

My best friend eats old yogurt, she just scraps off the mold and digs in. She eats a lot of questionable foods...