By Anonymous - 18/02/2013 07:44 - Canada - Montreal

Today, I had to spend a few hours in a hospital with a toddler and a preschooler projecting vomit all over, because my husband thinks "expiration dates are for pussies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 304
You deserved it 4 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did OP end up with theses kids? Expired condoms?

I am assuming these are your children... so why the hell would you let their FATHER dictate a "policy" that could potentially poison them? You need to assert yourself more, especially on matters of safety, for your children's sake if not your own.


Make him eat/drink the same product as punishment.

That'll make them into machines and won't get sick as often when they're older

And dad wasn't with you at the hospital because....?

YDI, you seriously are responsible for the safety of your health and co responsible for the safety of your children. You know his you can expect to need to be the one to throw things that are bad out. If he resists inform him of how not having safe foods in the home for your children are a type of unhealthy household and could be seen as negligence and irresponsible behavior. Child Services could be called if it happens frequently. He needs to get a clue/Divorce without the kids/Bitch slap.

The "expiration dates" are actually sell by dates or best by dates to which are 100% subjective store to store.