By 1010110100101101 - 19/06/2015 16:07 - United States - Fond Du Lac

Today, I had to take my daughter to the ER. Her brother had bet she couldn't go the whole day without talking. So to win the bet, she tried to super-glue her lips together so she couldn't accidentally say anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 887
You deserved it 3 003

1010110100101101 tells us more.

Hey guys op here and I want to say I'm surprised this got published. My daughter is only 8 and she is very competitive and will go at lengths end to win a bet. She did regret everything and it cost me $100 but at least she won $10 in the end.

Top comments

I hope no one dares her not to have sex until she gets married.

I guess in a way, your daughter had a clever idea...too bad it was one that landed her in the ER. Hope she's ok!


But what made you take her to the ER? Did she swallow some of it? Was it strong enough to tear her lip when she tried to open her mouth?

Sounds like maybe you should hide stuff like this so it doesn't happen again..

Hey guys op here and I want to say I'm surprised this got published. My daughter is only 8 and she is very competitive and will go at lengths end to win a bet. She did regret everything and it cost me $100 but at least she won $10 in the end.

I'm glad she's okay, OP. Thank you for the follow up! (:

I'm really glad to get some closure on this, we were all in suspense about wether or not she won!

I'm just happy to hear she is 8 and that all is well, and I'd be extremely worried if your daughter was 16 or something along those lines

iLike2Teabag 27

How do you remember your username?

yellowzinnias 20

Have her watch the Twilight Zone episode "The Silence." Bet she'll think twice next time! lol

At least she got money out of the deal. Can't say I wouldn't do the same..

Lol you have to pay money for healthcare

The one where the man cuts out his tongue? I thought of that instantly !

64, it's easy to remember if you think in hex instead of binary. (AC2C)

Why is JFK your picture? Anyway, at least everyone is okay!

Well if it was money I think that went for the payment of the bill

When I was like 12 I had a friend who was 10 who accidentally superglued her mouth shut. I simply grabbed her chin with one hand and forehead with the other and pried her lips apart.

I also want to say that my son who made the bet with her is 9 and they both have a little rival with each other like lots of siblings do. So when my daughter has a chance of taking money from him she will try as hard as possible to do it

As she should. Give 'im hell, little sis!

Meanwhile I'm over here trying to decipher this binary code.

unluckyorwhat 15

You deserve it. Your child should be smart enough to know these things. #badparenting