By 1010110100101101 - 19/06/2015 16:07 - United States - Fond Du Lac

Today, I had to take my daughter to the ER. Her brother had bet she couldn't go the whole day without talking. So to win the bet, she tried to super-glue her lips together so she couldn't accidentally say anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 887
You deserved it 3 003

1010110100101101 tells us more.

Hey guys op here and I want to say I'm surprised this got published. My daughter is only 8 and she is very competitive and will go at lengths end to win a bet. She did regret everything and it cost me $100 but at least she won $10 in the end.

Top comments

I hope no one dares her not to have sex until she gets married.

I guess in a way, your daughter had a clever idea...too bad it was one that landed her in the ER. Hope she's ok!


Jethco 15

Do they have some super glue solvent next to the penicillin or something?

MonstreBelle 29

The hospital I work at uses Vaseline whenever someone comes into the ER after super gluing some body part together. The petroleum breaks the super glue down, so after a few minutes you can pry apart whatever has been super glued together. It's non-toxic (unless a large amount is ingested), is easy to keep out of eyes since it's not a liquid, and isn't harsh on skin, unlike acetone. It's something to keep in mind. Vaseline, or any other petroleum jelly product, at home is much faster and cheaper than an ER visit.

My brother told my other brother he could fly if he flapped his arms hard enough. He believed him and split his head open. He then decided he needed to jump off the roof ( to get his 'flappers going fast enough')- lucky my dad saw him with the ladder and stopped him.

Your user is 44333? Does that mean something?

The amount of miles my wife and I traveled in the first two years that we were dating

I wish I could give you 44333 thumbs up for that alone. So cool. :)

I guess you had a....sticky situation.

Seems like a flawless plan!! (In all serious, next time, instead of paying $100.00, spray some WD-40 on it, it dissolves the solvent in the glue and breaks the bond! (That goes for removing stickers from surfaces as well!) Hope this helps someone!!!)

Actually nail polish remover works wonders with getting rid of super glue. My family is prone to getting it all over when we use it. But I don't think nail polish remover or WD-40 are exactly safe to put on a child's mouth especially since she's so young...

Maybe with a q-tip? Not sure, just suggesting. So that way it's a smaller amount. And then have her wash her mouth?

MonstreBelle 29

Don't ever use WD-40 (or any other harmful chemical, like acetone) to remove super glue from your or someone else's face. It's too easy for a person to accidentally get it in their mouth, eyes, or nose and can cause serious damage. Use Vaseline instead. It's much safer.

All of those are poisonous and corrosive if injested.... She did the right thing.

There aren't enough bits for it to say period. It says 44333, as discussed above.

You couldn't just grab some solvent and remove the glue by yourself?