By candice - 01/11/2011 09:09 - Reserved

Today, I had to tell all the trick-or-treaters that I'd run out of candy. I'd actually bought about $50 worth of candy, but managed to eat all of it by myself, sitting alone in my apartment, exactly like last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 528
You deserved it 46 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments


DrOfTheInternet 6

Next year your costume can be a diabetic

Gah.. Not as bad as getting pelted with eggs Because you had none left.

awkwardaredevil 5

I wish I had $50 to blow on candy.....

CraigWilson 9

Me too!! At my house we barely scraped together $4 to buy candy at the dollar store. We felt bad when we had to turn kids away after only 10 minutes.

lucyinthesky420 10

That is very unhealthy... Cavities here you come!

supatroopa909 0

you fat azz! diet now before you die!

I also had to put a sign up! Get home from work, see the kids coming. Go to the candy teenage twins ate almost all of it! First group that came I didn't have enough to give out! My sign said,' SORRY NO CANDY', (my kids ate it all) =(. I give out the big bars!!!!! Mental note don't buy candy early!

I bought about $50 worth of candy... For the 200+ kids we get at our door. I had so much left that I told the kids who came after 7 to take the biggest handfuls they could. Still have well over 2 lbs left. If you had half the candy I did that would still be horribly disgusting.

Carrotkidd15 5

Now just play black ops all night and you are living my life!