By candice - 01/11/2011 09:09 - Reserved

Today, I had to tell all the trick-or-treaters that I'd run out of candy. I'd actually bought about $50 worth of candy, but managed to eat all of it by myself, sitting alone in my apartment, exactly like last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 528
You deserved it 46 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments


peepeeparee 0

Reading this fml and then all the comments literally made me sick to my stomach.

there's this little thing called willpower. learn about it.

nhuda 4

That is just no life at all... Pathetic.

cajekraze 7

That's because vegan isn't natural to humans, idiot. Your body is built for both. But I guess you're smarter than evolution, right?

That's all because you are a fat eating, sloppy, white crackers shit bird face as ******

LeGOyanks3 0

my town cancelled holloween do to the freakin gay ass now storm in october

crystalburgard 3

Why didnt you at least turn off all the lights & stop answering the door?

I hope you don't have any health issues... $50 worth of sugar sounds crazy to me.