By candice - 01/11/2011 09:09 - Reserved

Today, I had to tell all the trick-or-treaters that I'd run out of candy. I'd actually bought about $50 worth of candy, but managed to eat all of it by myself, sitting alone in my apartment, exactly like last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 527
You deserved it 46 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments


my sources tell me he's a fat ass sir.

marpay 11

She was lonely and depressed. I'm guessing you've never had a bad day and eaten more than you planned. Although I've got to say I've never been so depressed that I've eaten $50 of candy.

What did you go dressed up as this year? The cookie monster? But seriously, wow. You must have smoked at least $50 worth of weed just to be able to eat that much candy!!

The_creator_fml 2

Maybe it was 5 $10 candy bars? Or 10 $5 candy bars?

So OP would expect only 5 to 10 kids to knock on their door?

Walk to the door eating candy out of the bowl and then say you don't have any.

Awe I'm sorry that's really gotta be a bummer! You'll find someone one day who you will share your candy with forever!:)

Somehow I don't think they WANT to share

Well if she's all alone she might...I mean at least ONE piece! Lol


You pooped in the refrigerator? AND you ate all of the Halloween candy??? I'm not even mad... That's amazing.

marpay 11
token_blackguy 18
floatguy 2

Wholly crap!! That's a lot candy... Can u say diabetes!!!!!

Im calling bs unless you only buy some ghirardelli chocolate for the kids..