By candice - 01/11/2011 09:09 - Reserved

Today, I had to tell all the trick-or-treaters that I'd run out of candy. I'd actually bought about $50 worth of candy, but managed to eat all of it by myself, sitting alone in my apartment, exactly like last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 527
You deserved it 46 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments


KaskStunter 4

Don't worry. By next year you will be so fat you won't be able to pass through the door to go and buy candy.

JennyLeigh 4

I have one word for you: Diabeetus.

AliCat18 12

wow you need to get some friends and get out and have fun! If you don't you will prob end up killing yourself with all the sweets. the world can be an awsome place - go explore!

It's a b*** when Halloween and PMS coincide, isn't it?

Possible solutions: A: Find a roommate - stop being alone B: If you are a woman - get a vibrator - more fun, less calories C: If you are a man - get **** and jerkoff - more fun, less calories D: Buy candy at the last possible minute so you cannot eat it all E: Buy healthy snacks - the kids will hate you, but if you do eat it all you won't kill yourself F: Don't answer the ******* door - pretty obvious if you ask me Sorry you're all alone - you really need to do something about that or your best friend will become the Liberty Medical Supply delivery man and your T.V. crush will be Wilfred Brimley

Be careful , you'll become fat and an Halloween hater ...

almedalove 0

I think this person is already fat .. Just saying