By Tabby - 06/08/2011 20:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to tell my teenage son that no, his knowledge of the English language was not passed down to him genetically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 597
You deserved it 3 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments


iChel413 6

There is something about language and genetics. I just cant think of it. It was in my psychology 1101 book. So maybe he misinterpreted something somewhere?

5 & 53-- Can't tell if trolling... or just very stupid.

So?.. Who cares, not me! And another 40% probs don't either. Like if ur part of the 40%

I hate any comment that says "like this if you agree with me!" It's basically an announcement to the entire internet that the commenter is a pole-smoking, attention-whoring cockweasel.

mooseluver4life 5

Haha how do these kids come up with this stuff?!

generics may play a role in the learning of language, but as to what language? it's unlikely it plays any role.

I hope he's pretty, cuz otherwise he's ******!

catnip1997 0

You don't need a comma after today.


5 is stupid, 53 is trolling.