By Tabby - 06/08/2011 20:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to tell my teenage son that no, his knowledge of the English language was not passed down to him genetically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 597
You deserved it 3 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Tasniaaax3 5
iceildor 6

Hey cant get worse then bush

shift_love 13

actually a lot of things are passed down genetically. his comprehension of the English language would be genetic. because it's what his family has been speaking for a while I'm assuming. music comprehension and artistic talent is passed down genetically so why would you assume that language couldn't be?

knight0748 5

where you get that idea? I google it, there's no case study that suggest genetics being a factor in learning any language.

kappaalpha1865 0

Music and artistic ability is not passed down genetically necessarily either.... Someone got their high school diploma online

If you'd looked for more than thirty seconds, you'd have seen that there's been a debate on genetic language acquisition going on for quite a long time, with people whose names appear in many a psych textbook - inc. Piaget, Chomsky, and Gardner - agreeing that there is a genetic component to consider. Where the opinions differ the most is Nature vs Nurture; how much of our linguistic knowledge is born into us as opposed to how much is learned.

cheer4ever96 8

Gotta love what today's children are coming to. lol

You're 15 years old. . .you ARE today's children!

SolemnlyLove 7

well now you can tell him that his stupidity wasnt passed down genetically and he was just born a duphus

reallytho3 11

Oh man this guy is gonna grow up to be the smartest person in the world! ;D

Oh man this guy is gonna grow up to be the smartest person in the world! ;D

Wow! Well he's a teen. Give us some credit! ?