By Tabby - 06/08/2011 20:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to tell my teenage son that no, his knowledge of the English language was not passed down to him genetically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 597
You deserved it 3 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments


RyanMcManus 0

I'm not a grammar Nazi.... but really would It have killed you to make the tiniest bit of sense?

well dont you have a smart one on your hands!

a_nutritionist 10

she must take the "men think with the wrong head" a little too literally.

heartgrenade1 5

True, but stupidity is passed down genetically. Something to think about.

this display of stupidity just made my night (:

5-&53 I have no clue what you people have said.....

It's actually not that stupid a question: "An innate ability for language acquisition is the claim that humans are genetically pre-programmed to learn language" (I'm a student of linguistics). At least he is willing to ask and learn.

The key word in your sentence is "learn." Just think of the human mind (or any mind, for that matter) as a blank canvas. As time passes, the canvas is placed on an easel, and the brush strokes of experience do the rest for you. Every canvas is different fundamentally, and the etchings experience makes on one's life vary by person, thereby yielding different outcomes.

Goodatbeingbad 9

Obviously 5 and 53 are related.