By Anonymous - 03/09/2013 19:50 - United States

Today, I had to visit a client because his printer had broken down. After driving for an hour, then being screamed at about how horrible my company's service is, I walked over to his printer and found the problem: there was no paper loaded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 399
You deserved it 3 125

Same thing different taste


Then you put in the paper, printed a page and silently looked at him judgmentally until he cringed in embarrassment, right?

OP, if you had been doing your job properly it would have never ran out of paper. ;)

I hope you charged him a stupidity fee.

Been there OP. I once drove 60km (37miles) in rush hour traffic to enable someone's LAN connection after having checked for that when we talked on the phone. On the plus side she cooked a steak for me.

JoseIsAdork 31

why does this make me picture myself having this issue when I'm about 80 years old.. hmm... oh well, this confounded gadgets are just too confusing anyways

an3ph 20