By ugamayne - 17/02/2010 12:50 - United States

Today, I had to X-ray an 81 year old lady. The clothes she was wearing would show up on the X-ray so I had to make her change into a gown. I found out the hard way that 81 year olds still go commando. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 665
You deserved it 3 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahaha i feel you.. im an xray tech too and old people love to be naked in front of us .. i really dont get it

@3: The OP didn't have to watch her change. Go look up how a hospital gown works. It's a giant loose garment that ties together at the neck at the back. There's a giant open slit from there on down. OP, grow up. I work with seniors in both my work and my volunteer job. When people get old and alot of them do not care what others think of them anymore. Sometimes I admire their freeness from self conciousness. This is not a FML.


You work in the medical feild. get use to it.

ohmygeezz 0

maybe she has poor bladder control do when she's gotta go...she's gotta go. why waste more time pulling down panties?

loveurlifeJK 5

oky um she could of kept her cloths on cuz ot would jus add the the wrinkles that would already show up frum her flappy skin

Why were you watching here change? If you don't like it get a new job.

Melkezidech 0

Well done Intoxicunt, you have passed your search engine degree. You are now a certified browser on the internet. Your definitions might be in your favour, but in reality the Radiologist will see the patient, not the x-ray technician (he makes sure everything is functional). I would know, I did work experience with one :) (It's possible, that might have been the case in that particular hospital, but I'm fairly certain it is the same protocol everywhere)

perdix 29

You found out the "hard way." Is that what old lady pussy does for ya? It's probably the closest you've been to a vag since your coworkers chipped in to buy you a *****, and you wept at the sight of her vulva.

perdix 29

Nice. And you get the tranny to blindfold your buddy and tell him "she" is going to put on a strap-on. Then he finds that what you guys did to him figuratively, he-she is doing to him literally! Bravo!