By Anonymous - 12/08/2014 17:55 - United States - Newport

Today, I happily announced that I'm getting married. My dad immediately shot back, "And I'm getting E.D., who gives a damn?" Just when I thought he was joking, he muttered that "the bitch" will take everything in our divorce. Moment ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 390
You deserved it 3 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments


your dad is mean. but congratulations on your engagement. have a nice honeymoon

Wow! What an asshole. What kind of thing to say is that? Would think he would support his daughter's marriage.

Son's* marriage. Your point still stands, of course. The father sounds like an awful excuse for a human being.

23lf 16

Well, now you know what NOT do in the marriage, thanks to your asshole of a dad. Gratz OP

Respect101 17

Not get ED? Or not be a dick? Or both? I would probably be a little on the grouchy side if I had ED. But that's still no excuse to be an ass about your child's marriage.

tony1891 22

guess Someone is not gonna be invited to the wedding then

ArashiGirl 13

...We sure your dad and my dad aren't the same guy?

nitrog100 21

To be fair, I would probably be thinking something along the same lines if my brother told me he was getting married. I wouldn't say it out loud, but my feigned happiness would be pretty weak.