By Anonymous - 12/08/2014 17:55 - United States - Newport

Today, I happily announced that I'm getting married. My dad immediately shot back, "And I'm getting E.D., who gives a damn?" Just when I thought he was joking, he muttered that "the bitch" will take everything in our divorce. Moment ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 390
You deserved it 3 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Axel5238 29

Congrats OP and sorry your father reacted that way. Though, if he does have ED and is in the process of divorce he is going to be going through a lot. Don't take it personally. He didn't say he isn't happy for you, he's gonna have a lot to work through going through divorce and probably has some emotional work to do.

Just because he is going through things in his personal life, does not mean he has the right to snap off after someone makes an announcement about their lives getting better. No excuse for that sort of behavior from a family member.

Are there people on here who just go through and click the "you deserve it" button? It baffles me how many people vote that on some of these posts...

skittyskatbrat 19

Your dad is just a real softy, isn't he? What a jerk.

that's rude but congratulations on the engagement

Some people just want to make others miserable when they are in the dumps. F them. Congratulations on your wedding OP, may it be a happiness filled marriage.

Just cause his dick doesn't work without a very pricey blue pill doesn't mean he should take it out on you. Congrats on the engagement!

martin8337 35

Congratulations on your engagement, your dad should see his doctor for viagra or cialis.

Is your dad mentally ill? Sorry... That just doesn't sound like a normal rsponse