By ladams94 - 17/07/2016 18:39

Today, I have a Bachelors of Science at a top university and got denied by Chipotle for a part-time job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 043
You deserved it 1 253

ladams94 tells us more.

It wasn't a science degree... Just called a Bachelors of Science. I have food cooking experience as well as customer service experience but thanks for your input. Bye.

Top comments

Yeah being over-qualified is a thing. Sadly lots of people get stuck with either being told "you aren't qualified enough" "you are over qualified." Can't win in today's job market. Only thing you can do is keep applying places. It'll happen eventually.

Well I guess chipotle is missing out! Aim higher OP- your degree is a huge achievement !!


wizardofozzy68 7

I feel ya bro. I just got a BBA from a university with 40k semesters. I got turned down from Planet K.

andrmac 25

Honestly being in retail management I would rather not hire you because your using it as a stepping stone to get to the job you have a BS for, and I could be wasting my time to train you just to have you up and quit possibly with little or no notice. Now I have to replace you and retrain someone new revolving doors are to be avoided. Hiring for some of these jobs we want at least a few years or be that 2nd job or that extra cash job for mom or dad or the even the retired or at the beginning of college for 4 or more years. However if the ideal would be someone that it would just be their job because that's what they want it to be.

You don't need a bachelors of science at a "top university" to work at a fast food restaurant I highly doubt that had any effect on the decision

you have a bachelors in science and applied for a part time job at chipotle...great job

You are over qualified for the job. Having a bachelors means they would have to pay you a lot. They don't want that

Most places like Chipotle, Subway, etc. prefer to hire people with NO job experience what so ever. This way, they can train the employee the way they want without other influences from previous positions. You are without a doubt over qualified for the position and should seek employment with a non corporate company. A "mom and pop" store/restaurant is WAY more likely to hire an overqualified person. Source: Over 10 years of restaurant experience up until last year (IT office job now).

JCal585 8

If I'm the employer at chipotle, why would I hire you? You're just going to bolt in a month when something better comes along.

what does one have to do with the other?