By wtf_fml_0609 - 01/11/2010 16:43 - United States

Today, I have a huge meeting with the big executives of the company I work at. I have to be there in 10 minutes. I'm stuck on the toilet with the runs because I thought it would be a good idea to eat hot chicken wings last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 573
You deserved it 26 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he deserves this, why? because he ate chicken wings? people who rate this.. have problems


SmallTownCutie 0

buy a pack of adult diapers on your way there. problem solved.

I love hot wings. I can see why you couldn't resist it.

welll you prob wasted 5 mins writing this fml, hurry the hell up diarhea boy

RacistPancake 6

Having a sensitive stomach sucks.

Or time to buy some medicine which stops things from moving

That's gonna stop it in ten minutes, it sure will!

It hurts just thinking about it!!! Aghhhhhh!!! No seriously, I don't know what to say...

he deserves this, why? because he ate chicken wings? people who rate this.. have problems

#7, one deserves anything that's foreseeable and you don't prevent it from happening.

Life doesn't work exactly that way in the executive world. You can do it but it won't leave a positive impression on partners and clients.

Hot wings are the best. Until they come out the other end and you have to wipe your ass with a fire extinguisher.

Fortuitous 0

Concerning the meeting, you could just wing it.