By Anonymous - 25/09/2014 19:32 - United States - College Station

Today, I have such severe ADD that I can't focus without my medication. When I take the medication, I can only focus on one thing, but not necessarily the thing I need to be focusing on. I have a chem test soon, and I've been vacuuming my room for the past 4 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 751
You deserved it 4 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

isabelf 17

At least your carpet will be clean...?

Good luck on the test! Remember that someone across the world is feeling bad for you xD And now you have a clean room!


I have ADHD myself and I haven't taken any medication for it since I was 12. Now I'm 27 and I am doing great without it. You can focus without the meds. It will take a lot of work, but you can do it. The meds that are out there for ADD and ADHD just numb your emotions and suppress who you are. You should get off them ASAP. It is possible to live a fulfilling life without it.

It suppresses us so we can function to our full ability. I am impressed that you are capable of coping without meds, but some of us aren't. People range in severity of ADD and ADHD. I've met people who seemed just completely normal to those who don't have ADD, but I could tell. I've also met people who are incapable of interacting in any social format without meds, and even then, they are still distant. Not everyone can handle being a productive member of society without meds.

Good for you for dealing without it. My mom has ADHD and has done just fine her entire life without meds. I have ADD and I can't function in school without medication. I can only function in jobs with lots of sensory input without meds. I have music and an audio book going at the same time when I'm at work because it helps me focus. I worked with this angry woman (she works in another unit and no one likes floating into my unit because it's a very small room) one night who had a screaming fit and threatened to get me fired for listening to music until I turned it off. I ended up on tumblr for three hours completely unaware of what had been happening around me the entire time because I was so distracted.

Talk to the center on your campus that deals with student disabilities and accommodations. They can help you with situations like this and in dealing with your professors. (Assuming this is college level). If it's high school, talk to your school counselors. Regardless, they're there to help you succeed in your education, despite the disorder. Also, check with your therapist about this and see if there are other options/medications for you to try. Best of luck, op!

I have ADHD, so I've definitely been where you are. It gets better with lots of effort. :) I've been without meds for a while now and I'm doing great. I wish the same for you!

For some reason after I read ADD I felt the need to read the rest really fast.

im the same, the other day while on my meds i was so focused on sewing a torn stuffed animal together instead of hw, not to mention i stabbed my finger with the needle :p

Hey OP, I have the same issue. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was in sixth grade. What's funny is my boyfriend has severe ADHD and it causes him to constantly move(rock back and forth, wiggle, tap his finger or pencil, etc). To make matters worse he also gets easily distracted. It's tough OP, but we both found our methods to practice. You just have to find what suits you, a way to only focus on school, or a way to keep focused. There is always hope, so keep your head held high!

I feel your pain! I'll get uber focused on tasks that I should rather put aside..

I had the same problem with my ADHD b4 my meds and i still can't focus when I go into a store cause theres to much stuff to look at my mind goes crazy, good luck on the test :)

I once accidentally took my husbands higher dose of adderall and ended up playing a logic puzzle game for eight hours with out moving from a single spot instead of doing my annotated bibliography for English. I completely understand the horrors of extreme focus.