By irony - 25/02/2016 15:08 - United States - Louisville

Today, I have to attend a mandatory parenting class due to a false report filed against me with CPS. My son's school play is at the same time as today's class, and I'll have to miss it so I can learn how to be a "better mom". FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 770
You deserved it 1 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Step 1 to being a better parent: Be there for your child, e.g. School plays!!"

OptimusSlime 23

Thats unfortunate, hopefully you could get someone to record it for you, assuming it hasn't already ended


CPS reports suck, because it's all someone's opinion. As long as your kids are fed, healthy, and not being molested, they usually leave you alone.

I hate CPS so much. they are also extremely crooked in Kansas too.

I live in KY...the DCBS and CPS have been under investigation since 2007 here for illegally removing children from the home and pushing for adoption instead of reunification. The accusation has already been proven to be unfounded. My kids have been through evaluations (both medical and psychological) and it has been determined that they are not being abused. (Duh). However, I was still ordered to take parenting classes under threat of losing my kids to a foster home. I have filed a complaint with the state, but was advised to 'play ball' until the investigation can be completed. It is likely that my social worker will lose her job for this, but unfortunately the damage to my kids cannot be undone. (The mortification over the invasive exam, the fear of being taken away, the events I've had to miss...). This has been a nightmare.

Who filed the report against you and why?