FML for mobile
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By Anonymous - 25/12/2010 05:54 - United States

Today, my brother asked if he could borrow my razor, since he recently hit puberty and wanted to have a shave. I decided to be nice and let him. When he returned it half an hour later, I couldn't help but notice his facial hair was untouched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 855
You deserved it 8 315

Same thing different taste


Yeah... no. Nice shirt by the way #1, totally agree.

iSitt 0

don't let him borrow your deoderant

ibitehard 9

1, I'm not even gonna say anything about the shirt OP, Ewwwwwwwww! I think you should say what I say a lot "Sharing is caring, except when it's not" in this case, it's a no brainer (Never thought I'd use that term in my life) I suggest that you get a new razor... Has anyone else noticed that there isn't a specific gender chosen XDDD

Izzati 0

Eeww... Now, let the puns begin!! (No pun intended)

Action_Bastard 0

The new and enhanced version of indirect tea bagging.

kluger 3

Did anyone think that he might have shaved his legs?

missawesome16 0

yeah but op is pretty much telling u he shaved his dick or else it wouldn't be an fml

captmiller1 15
KennKenn 0

thats when you fart on his pillow when hes not looking..

no no no your supposed to fart on there faces when they are asleep but make sure u eat something that makes u gassy ;) hahahah and hen they wake up they should fell fully replenished with fart particals

You can't cut with a razor blade without the safe guard cut off the front of the razor. believe me, I know...

kiefenator 0
XxxT3rr4xxX 25

you should totally Dutch oven him when the opprotunity presents itself that or fart in his face while he's sleeping.

partychix246 0

ewww never share ur razor that's nasty just give it to him and get a new one but still eww

Takador 3

tdi for being dumb, of course he's gonna go for the pubes!

haha u said,"tdi for being dumb" it's ydi

Why would you share it anyways? I wouldn't want my brother using my razor to shave his face.