By irony - 25/02/2016 15:08 - United States - Louisville

Today, I have to attend a mandatory parenting class due to a false report filed against me with CPS. My son's school play is at the same time as today's class, and I'll have to miss it so I can learn how to be a "better mom". FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 768
You deserved it 1 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Step 1 to being a better parent: Be there for your child, e.g. School plays!!"

OptimusSlime 23

Thats unfortunate, hopefully you could get someone to record it for you, assuming it hasn't already ended


I hope you pointed this out in the class to let them all revel in the irony of the situation.

A very similar incident happened with my mum. Luckily they clicked early on that pretty much everything was bullshit and that my mum is lovely and awesome

Legalshield would have helped there. For $0.54 protect yourself and your family and have access to your rights. Email me to learn how. My username in gmail.

My ex wife pulled that shit with me... Sorry to hear, hang in there.

Ohhh the irony, huh!?!! Good luck with all that CPS crap, I understand those false reports! They can get out of hand, but I suppose it's best to be safe than sorry, so the state has to step in if called... But it does suck having them on your tail, so again, good luck!

tounces7 27

The very worst part about CPS, is that the Foster homes that children are put into, are generally MUCH WORSE than the homes they came out of. Foster Parents are often in it for the money, and treat the children horribly. The rare few good foster parents, kids usually only end up staying with for a short period, and then back to a hell house. At this point, the only thing that could be done with CPS is to completely abolish it, and just start over.

You're absolutely right about! My family did foster care when I was younger and we were one of the good families. The longest a kid ever stayed with us was a year (we moved out of the area or she would have stayed with us longer) and some of those kids has terrible stories from other houses. Foster care seems like a good idea but people are terrible and abuse it so much

So wait. CPS should look away when they have factual knowledge of drug, physical, or sexual abuse on the OFF CHANCE that a foster home would be worse? **** that. CPS isn't the problem. Pieces of shit that file to be foster parents and put on a front and make themselves out to be amazing loving people so they can make a quick buck are the problem.

I just can't believe how people would impose others to do such a thing! How in the hell would they what better for a child than the child's own parents! No one on the face of this planet would love your children more than you do. What a ****** up system!

Thankfully, you have obviously never had to hear any stories about children who have been abused. Parents are capable of some of the most vile acts on earth towards their children. My mother (who works for CPS) had to work with a lady who was pregnant for the second time (lost her first child because of drugs and neglect) and she was required to take weekly drug tests. Well this mother who loved her child more than anything didn't want to quit doing meth so she would drink bleach before each ua. And yes that poor baby survived this abuse and is only expected to live for a matter of months. Another parent recently was found to have been sticking needles in her sons penis on a regular basis for years. Sadly, those are not the worst stories I've heard from her. Now tell those kids that you don't think CPS should exist and that all kids are better off with their parents. Obviously you are one of the lucky ones who grew up with fit parents. Educate yourself before making unfounded accusations.

Try reading A Child Called It and tell me how much parents love kids and CPS shouldn't exist, I ******* dare you. That book made me so sick I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. (the night i finished the book I ended up horribly ill and the next day I ended up in the hospital where I was diagnosed with pneumonia)

Really #38? My biological mother sold us to a pedophile for crack and abused us until we were taken away by CPS where we were put into a foster home with two wonderful foster parents who raised my youngest sister and I since we can remember then they adopted us at age 7 and 6. I consider my adoptive parents my real parents since they loved us the same as their own kids.

Disgusting what so many people are saying about CPS, no wonder so many people just turn their heads when children are in genuine danger. My adopted son (who was my foster son) still occasionally hides food "just in case" because he's so used to being starved. He still walks with a limp from when his pos mother or her pos boyfriend (we arent sure) broke his leg (and did pelvic damage) during a visit when she still had her parental rights. CPS is absolutely necessary, REPORT anything you find genuinely worrying or suspicious, you might just save a child's life. Sorry in your case the person who reported you was wrong or took something out of context but you having to take a parenting class isnt all that awful

How wonderful that there are people like you out there to help these children when their own parents won't/can't. Foster and adoptive parents along with CPS are some of the most amazing people in the world.