By Kelly - 12/08/2009 18:09 - United States

Today, I heard a girl telling her friend all about her boyfriend, John. They talked about the grocery store that he works at, and that he drives a nice yellow mustang. My boyfriend's name is John, works at that same grocery store, and drives a nice yellow mustang. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 345
You deserved it 3 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Meh, Mustangs still use live rear axles. Fail. Brake fluid, meet shiny yellow paint job.

Should have had a talk with her. You both could have pranked his ass bad.

Well first, you have to remember that there are other people in this world named John, who could also coincidentally have a yellow Mustang. I mean, what's not to like about Mustangs, they rock. And yellow is a cool color for a car.

In the world, yes there's probably a few people with that name and car, yes. But working in the same supermarket? I doubt it, and even if there was, it would probably be comment-worthy enough that the OP would be aware there was another John with the same car working with her bf and this wouldn't be an FML.

Yellow is a very rare car color. It was obvious they were talking about the same guy. Maybe he bagged groceries with such creativity that he needed many girlfriends. I'll bet he put the bread under the frozen turkey. ;)

triplethreat13 0

that's the worst way to find out about something; hearing it from someone who has no idea.

hmmm, perhaps she's jealous and she made it up and wanted you to hear it so you'd break up with him...

YDI for living in USA, let alone nebraska.

ydi for dating a guy who drives a yellow mustang

uberkrissy 0

YDI for living in nebraska. who does that