By Kelly - 12/08/2009 18:09 - United States

Today, I heard a girl telling her friend all about her boyfriend, John. They talked about the grocery store that he works at, and that he drives a nice yellow mustang. My boyfriend's name is John, works at that same grocery store, and drives a nice yellow mustang. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 345
You deserved it 3 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments


PrincessPink123 0

omg u shuld have totally bitch slapped her! I totally wuld have bitch slapped her and then called her a f***** ugly **** lol is that too much? lol ;)

DareToDream7 0

You guys are retarded, it is obvious that her boyfriend is cheating on her with this girl, its HIGHLY unlikely that there is a guy who works with her boyfried with the same name and the same car, and her boyfried never mentioned it. And he doesn't have a TWIN with the same name, same car, and same job. Seriously people, some stuff is this obvious, there isn't always a secret meaning or some strange coincedence for this, it's obvious and all of you who can't see what is CLEARLY in front you are RETARDED. Jesus ******* Christ. And OP, sorry your boyfriend is a prick, you don't deserve that and it sucks you had to find out this way.

I feel sorry for John because he's got hell coming his way

SpazzyJazzy325 0

coincidence?? I THINK NOT!!!!!

I ******* hate people that cheat!!! They are ******* pieces of shit! I am so happy I found the most incredible girl in the world! I am sorry about your dirtbag boyfriend!

hateevryone 14

i would've confronted the bitch and been like "yea i'm his girlfriend, too"

burgerburger 0
gameon113 1

Psh, forget about his car, key his dick off.