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I now pronounce you…

By Anonymous - 28/04/2023 10:00

Today, while registering to get married, my fiancé and I discovered that we’re already married and have been since our first foreign holiday together, to Vegas, when we got very drunk. Elvis was there. See where I’m going with this? Our parents are furious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 285
You deserved it 1 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No, I don't see where you are going with this. You got married by an Elvis impersonator in Vegas when you were drunk. Seems like this is the end of the story. Where else can it go?

Oof, that’s uh. Yeah. You could just hold a ceremony without the legal backend and not tell anyone else about the Elvis one, I guess?


Oof, that’s uh. Yeah. You could just hold a ceremony without the legal backend and not tell anyone else about the Elvis one, I guess?

No, I don't see where you are going with this. You got married by an Elvis impersonator in Vegas when you were drunk. Seems like this is the end of the story. Where else can it go?

Renewing of vows in front of all the family and friends? With an Elvis impersonator to tell the story of your first wedding during the toasts?

So you saved money on an expensive wedding by eloping. That's a win to me. Too bad you were both too drunk to remember it. The parents can get over it.

My guess is that you both are (and were) legal adults. CONGRATULATIONS. Now your parents can get over it and be happy that you two didn't split up since that trip.

Just because you already signed the paperwork doesn't mean you can't have the ceremony and party. All you've done is saved yourselves the 10mins of bureaucracy between the isle and the party. Not exactly the biggest deal in a wedding... Congratulations, btw 🎉

That's not how Vegas works. You still have to go to City Hall or the county courthouse to get a marriage license before Elvis or anyone else can witness your vows.