By TingBarter - 09/07/2009 15:00 - United States

Today, I heard a student in the class I assist having trouble with a download. I walked over and showed him how to save to his flash drive, and how to use 7z to unzip said file. I then found out I'd just assisted him in downloading a half gig of porn during class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 825
You deserved it 9 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deja54 0

You guys realize, that when you download a .zip file, you can't really see the contents until you unzip it. That's what this guy did, and when he unzipped it, he found the **** stash.


bb1_00 0

YDI....... nxt time check wats biin download

Lol :') I'm not sure why people are saying YDI, it would be kinda harsh to look through all his files :/

"Half a gig" is not even one movie. You're making it sound like he downloaded all the **** ever.

A DVD rip usually only takes up about 700MB and that can be over 2 hours of video.

Who DOWNLOADS **** when you cab just watch it for free on some sites?

haha! nice! was it good **** atleast??

pr0n FTW!!! It's the internet, I'd be more surprised if it wasn't ****.... But, stupid student for unzipping in-front of you (ba doom doosh), cause he would have known what the zip file was.

thepaleone 0

I bet that kid is really going to like you after that...

Glam_fml 0

Those skills will still come in handy for other things besides downloading ****... It's just unfortunate that that's what he originally chose to use them for. Is it just me, or is it -really- strange that a student would ask a teacher basically how to download ****? I'm sure he knew what it was.. Why not just ask a friend?

hey nothin wrong with helpin a horny kid out. I bet you made his day[=

zjweldon 0

Fyl an for all u sick kids out there grow up an quit being immature!! Have respect for other ppl and urself!