By TingBarter - 09/07/2009 15:00 - United States

Today, I heard a student in the class I assist having trouble with a download. I walked over and showed him how to save to his flash drive, and how to use 7z to unzip said file. I then found out I'd just assisted him in downloading a half gig of porn during class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 825
You deserved it 9 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deja54 0

You guys realize, that when you download a .zip file, you can't really see the contents until you unzip it. That's what this guy did, and when he unzipped it, he found the **** stash.


i love how everyone immediately votes down ur comment

shewasalmost18 0

lmao..imagine..hey i'll help you, what are you downloading anyway? "Now downloading 'Squirtaholics'" to hard drive...

failure!!! u suck, don't assist people if u download **** instead of software.

fxdxhk90 0

You did a good deed by helping someone download ****, quit your bitching.

lol I knew that was coming as soon as I read "download" Don't they block those sites at the school you work at? MInd you...some random niner (grade nine kid =P) was watching **** in the school library so...I guess the horny boys are getting sneakier ** *O.o*

jakel121 0

Omg! People are talking about me on teh internetz!

Drakanaa 0

Oh, hohoho, FYL. I wish I had teachers like you :D

rafaelaugusto94 0