By TingBarter - 09/07/2009 15:00 - United States

Today, I heard a student in the class I assist having trouble with a download. I walked over and showed him how to save to his flash drive, and how to use 7z to unzip said file. I then found out I'd just assisted him in downloading a half gig of porn during class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 825
You deserved it 9 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deja54 0

You guys realize, that when you download a .zip file, you can't really see the contents until you unzip it. That's what this guy did, and when he unzipped it, he found the **** stash.


The internet is really, really, great.... FOR ****! >:D

jewelzgalore 0

"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned..."

i don see wutz wrong with it...i do that in every class

for some reason, i saw that coming as soon as i started reading this fml. well, at least ull be their favorite teacher from now on

XanimalloverX 0

Obviously your schools computers are easy to hack into bc no school would let students have access to innaporpriat sites

or maybe it was downloaded off one of the thousands of sites that aren't blocked, and given a name that isn't stupidly obvious, it's pretty easy to get around a school's content filter, I used to have a text file that was a list of working proxies, it was pretty long too

eeee93757 0

That's a big 10-4, Roflcopter

why the hell are you all assuming that this kid raised his hand and personally asked the teacher for assistance in unzipping the **** file? why would he bring attention like that to himself? the FML says "i heard a student in class having trouble w/ a download"... so that probably means the kid was telling his friends or other students he needed help. not the ******* teacher.

Why didn't you check what he was downloading?

I'm not sure who said that you can't check the contents of a zip file before unzipping, but that's just untrue. Hell, I even have a plugin on my Mac that lets me Quick Look the contents of zip files.