By AussieG75 - 21/07/2012 04:48 - United States - Saint Augustine

Today, I heard screaming coming from my neighbor's house. Since her husband has a history of abusing her, I called the cops. After they left with him in custody, she called to yell at me because they were "working things out" after "having a few drinks". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 394
You deserved it 2 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatpeachyperson 12

It's couples like them that makes me lose hope in marriage


It's not your fault. Good job on calling the cops.

Well hey, just remember that you made the right decision. She probably doesn't realize it now, but she might come to her senses and thank you later? *shrug*

That poor lady... She must really love him to keep holding on. I hope one day she realises it's not worth it! You did the right thing anyway.

XTheDesertSongX 17

Whoever you are, I have a great amount of respect for you. When I was younger, my parents had dealt with this same issue and it was up to my sister and I to call the police on our father. I consider people like you a hero. She'll thank you in due time, but people usually in abusive relationships are typically easily manipulated and think things like "He hits me because he loves me!" Regardless, you potentially saved a life.

trippythehippy 6

I'm not saying you didn't do the right thing. Although it was the correct thing to do it was probably pointless. But I wanted to share a story... Last summer my girl and I were at her apt, and had spent the previous 3 hours in bed. We were both so tired afterward we started to take a nap. All the sudden we hear POUNDING on the door. She is so startled she didn't even put clothes on. It's 2 police officers, she opens the door butt naked, and tell them. Nope she is fine, she was just getting laid, and slams the door in there face. I was never so proud!!!

Mearemoi 14

And you tell this story, why?

lelo007 11

Probably to show off his awful grammar and spelling skills.

I think he was trying to indirectly brag that he can last 3 hours in bed. VIRGIN ALERT! VIRGIN ALERT! ...that or he has an indecent redneck of a girlfriend.

killer6969 16
theannak 7

63- do not blame rednecks for slitty girls. Every "group" has slitty girls. Rednecks are not the spawn of ******.

lelo007 11

I had enough sense to make my ex husband become my ex husband after the first time he laid a hand on me. Not all women have this "strength" to leave a bad situation. You did the right thing, and if it continues to happen, you should continue to do the right thing. Maybe she will see that it isn't going to change, and she will build up the courage to leave. She won't be able to thank you if she is dead.

Because you are a dumbslut u had the guy arrested What a bitch

the420estguy, **** you! She did the right think, jackass. You're probably a woman beater yourself. lelo007, ignore this asshole, you did the right thing.

^ Obvious troll is obvious. Can't wait for the mods to notice this one. Really though, guy, you must have no soul to even joke like that. Domestic violence is not funny.

Agree with The A Teen. Ignore the trash spewing out more trash. :p

lelo007 11

Oh, even some troll on a website couldn't make me feel bad about the choice I made! My only regret is that I didn't leave him sooner when it was just verbal and emotional abuse!

NCking247 3

You deserved that should have just minded your own business even if your intentions were good

Ok, we'll ignore any calls for help and let people suffer in abusive relationships. After all, we live in a society where the majority of people would willingly ignore any troubles or people in danger because of the "it's not my business, let someone else take care of it" bullshit. But seriously, any good-natured person would call the police for any serious situation such as this. You sound like the majority of the people I just described.

Wow, that's a great way to think. What if he beat her to death ? Moreover, like repeatedly said before, those women often don't have the strength to put an end to the situation by themselves. They need help, help from outside.

41- You know what? I would gladily let someone scream and curse me out for calling the cops to stop abuse. That is an easy fair trade for me, I can take and accept being chewed a new one for that. :p I couldn't accept Not calling the cops and finding after someone died because I couldn't be bothered to make one lousy phone call. :p

What if he would have killed her? No one wants to walk around with that on their conscience.

As many people have already said, you have done the right thing. Don't listen to idiotic comments like #41. I kind of hope to find NCking247 bleeding to death after being mugged sometimes, then I can say "Sorry, you taught me to mind my own business" and just walk away. Too bad that'll probably never happen, and even if it would happen I wouldn't know it's NCking247.

And the policeman didn't notice this when they busted into the bedroom?

55- Uhm, I suspect the police found he was kicking her ass, hence why they arrested him. Ever heard of Denial? It's not just a river in Egypt you know. :p

this why You mind your own business at home

Please read every comment under #41 to show that you're wrong.

I hope your neighbors follow that advice when you're getting your ass kicked and need help.