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By Anonymous - 24/11/2013 05:30 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I helped a nice middle-aged lady pick out a sweater. She then opened her changing room door to ask for my opinion. I still don't understand why she had to take everything else off to try on a sweater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 218
You deserved it 4 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She probably did it because she wanted the sweater to be the main focus and if she was wearing everything else, it would take your focus away from the sweater.

At least it was a sweater and not a pair of underpants...


At least it was a sweater and not a pair of underpants...

Why exactly would that be worse? I assumed that by "everything else", OP means literally everything including underwear. Why would her being topless be worse than her being bottomless?

Usually, out of politeness, when you try underwear, you keep yours...

I can't believe someone that stupid came from Canada >.

I'm sure she just wants the D(ecent looking sweater)

@44: Seriously dude? You live in Toronto... There's a huge idiot there right now.

Maybe she usually wears her sweaters without anything else on.

Somuchart 3

Ha! Good Luck Trying To Forget That Image... For The Rest Of Your Life!

Holy capitalization, Batman. Why do so many people type like this...?

Because I'm Awesome!!! LoL Nah Just Use To Raising My Voice (since everyone claims I mumble- deaf much?) When Ever I Speak So WHY NOT EXPRESS IT THROUGH TEXT TOO! Can You Hear Me Now?

But I don't read it louder, I read it with short pauses between each word

Haha! It's alright I try to interpret text as if you are saying it so the little voice in my head did get louder.

Shouting is usually indicated LIKE THIS! However, INCORRECT GRAMMAR IS NEVER A GOOD THING, and capitalization definitely falls under that category.

buttcramp 21

yeah you're really annoying and distracting lol

ThatFancyPenn 18

If EVERYONE claims that you mumble, chances are, you more likely do!

cryssycakesx3 22

I find the "much" comments are more annoying that random capitalization.

You've been reading too many of Jaden Smith's tweets, #11.

She probably did it because she wanted the sweater to be the main focus and if she was wearing everything else, it would take your focus away from the sweater.

ThatFancyPenn 18

So be naked! Then the attention would be somewhere else

Oh god. You didn't deserve that for such a nice act.

RedPillSucks 31

Why would being homeless make a difference here?

Sathane 21
Jelbeztok 17

oh... wow what a great image... well maybe she wanted you to get some action for your nice actions.. atleast the wasnt naked...

Dude ! It's MILF time and you're complaining ? Dip your stick and have some fun!! . . . Thinks back to when he was a young man . . .

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

OP said a nice old lady. Not a Hot mom.

Ahem, "middle-aged" isn't old, she could be a MILF.

Any hole's a goal and the one you knock back is one you miss out on.

tompou6 19

OP, she wants the D (I know it's a bad joke)

There is nothing to say that the OP was a woman but I think she is because if the OP was a man the FML would have ended with, "and we had sex."

AntiPrude 26

Yeah, otherwise he'd have to be gay; noone is stupid enough to not pick up on that signal... Unless of course the woman is part of the obese population, then I can understand why OP is complaining about the woman exposing herself.

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

22- Or maybe because she is an old lady, and OP might be like 20.

cryssycakesx3 22

I think #22 got shut down by a fat girl. he always seems so bitter. he relates everything to fat girls. maybe he's a secret chubby chaser?

AntiPrude 26

@59 Lol! No, fitness specialists do not generally find whales attracrive.

cryssycakesx3 22
RedPillSucks 31

Also, men are not likely to be found near a womans dressing room. Unless they're peeping pervs.